...US Army, Army recruiting 1SG, 4 tours to Iraq and Afghanistan, Explosives Dog-Handler. Several events, but one in particular, his unit left for a patrol at 0530 they were to clear IEDs and road was littered with them, by 1000 hrs, they had gone less than a mile. The Infantry Unit LT decided to dismount from the vehicles and go through a farm field to start clearing. Ace started his grid search with his dog, the dog had a change in behavior, he smelled explosives in the area, but he had to stay on grid, once at the line he did a 180 degree turn started up the opposite directions searching and about 5 minutes into the search there was an explosion from behind, lost 8 soldiers… He did not know why those soldier were in that area because he had not cleared it yet, was it an error on the LT, was it Ace not pushing the LT to go over when the dog had a change in behavior……