...US Navy and US Army, he had 2 incidents that is his main source of his PTSD, one was with an IED, the concussion from the explosion blew him off a wall and he broke his shoulder and arm…The second was while in the middle of a firefight his best friend was shot and killed while standing right next to him…It has become a relevant question about family and their curiosity, I asked has the family ever asked ‘What was it like?” Danny’s brother asked one day with vim and vigor “Did you shoot anybody?” This truly is not the way or what you ask a person with PTSD.
Danny knew something was wrong when his girlfriend said he was drinking too much, but he didn’t think so when it first come up. His girlfriend left him and told him to fix the drinking, he finally went to a counselor and the he told him to go ahead and drink he didn’t have to answer to anyone…At that time he was definitely mad at the system and got another counselor to help him with his PTSD and the other related issues that come from it. Danny has contemplated suicide because of almost losing everything…